Author Interview: Carol Preflatish

A few years ago, I decided to make an effort to meet more authors in my area. One of these authors is Carol Preflatish. We’ve bumped into each at events such as The Kentuckiana Book Fair and Imaginarium 2019. Carol has published several romantic suspense novels. Homecoming To Murder is her recently released murder mystery novel.

How did you decide to become an author?

I’ve always loved to write, but for the millennium I decided I was going to write a book. At that time, it wasn’t my intention to get it published, but once it was finished, that was the next logical step.

How does your professional background help with your writing?

I worked in social services for over 30 years before I retired a few years ago. I think that gave me a good knowledge of how all classes of people live and I’ve used that knowledge in a few of my books.

Can you tell us more about why you wrote your latest books?

My previous books were romantic suspense. I really got tired of writing romance and since I love reading mysteries, I thought it would be a good change. When I was in college, police work was one thing I was interested in doing, but my career ended up going in a different direction. With writing a police procedural series, I sort of still get to experience police work.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

I think the best thing I did when I started out was to not only learn the craft of writing, but I also learned the business part of writing. I learned to research what publishers want and how to make a perfect submission packet. It’s probably one of the most important things I learned.

What are some upcoming publishing projects you are working on?

Book one in my new mystery series, Homecoming to Murder was just released and I just finished writing the second book. I’m hoping to write at least two more books in the series before possibly moving on to something new. I also have a book that I started last year about a female private investigator that takes place in Louisville, Kentucky that I’m hoping to finish someday.

Thank you, Andy, for hosting me on your blog today. You can find my book, “Homecoming to Murder” at these online retailers:


One response to “Author Interview: Carol Preflatish”

  1. Friday’s Findings: An Experiment in Screenplay Writing – Andrew M. Friday Avatar

    […] Carol Preflatish who turned her first novel into a screenplay. […]

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